Below you can find source files to download.
(s) right of package name is a gpg signature. You can download
gpg file or
armored asc file to verify files. You can also
look for key on public keyservers, fingerprint is
63D0 C3DB 42AF 3B4F CF6E 7880 E84A 7E61 C785 0C62
You can download key directly from keyserver with
gpg --recv-keys 63D0C3DB42AF3B4FCF6E7880E84A7E61C7850C62
Then you can verify downloaded image with command
gpg --verify <sig-file> <package-file>
All files (including md5, sha256 and sha512 for all files) can also
be downloaded from:
git clone
git clone git://
git clone
tarballs (source code)
0.2.1 tar.gz(s|sha1) tar.bz2(s|sha1) tar.xz(s|sha1) 0.2.0 tar.gz(s|sha1) tar.bz2(s|sha1) tar.xz(s|sha1) 0.1.0 tar.gz(s|sha1) tar.bz2(s|sha1) tar.xz(s|sha1)